<p><em> <strong>CAMPLITE</strong></em> . . .Next generation of light weight Campers <strong>New Orbit Front End , New Azdel</strong> <strong>Wood grain Interior Paneling ,<em> Front Dinette will make into Queen Bed , DRY Bath , Propane PKG; Furnace , Refrigerator , Hot Water Heater, Convection Microwave Oven ,</em></strong> 82" wide. 16' Box. 4' Triple Tube Tongue. 8' 9" Height.DRY BATH - 110v Hot Water Heater , Water Pump , Hot & Cold faucet at sink , Hot & Cold Exterior Shower , Re-Circulating Electric Toilet by Thetford ,<strong><em> Monogramed Camplite Rug ,</em></strong> ALL ALUMINUM wall , ceiling , floors & cabinets . Camp Lite is built to stand the test of time ! Laminated Constructio